In What Ways Can You Use 🌶️ Spicy Lao Gan Ma Sauce?
December 12, 2022 at 3:27 pm,
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Lao Gan Ma Chili Sauces are one of the very original and unique sauces coming from Guizhou, China. It can pose as a shortcut to flavour for simple dishes such as stir-fry, BBQ grill, pasta, noodles, pan-fried salmon, fish, pork, chicken, beef, and more. It can automatically add a unique texture to every meal.
How to use it?
- Serve with cheesy pasta or any type of pasta dish.
- Use as a finishing oil for stir-fries.
- Spread on a piece of bread.
- Boost the flavour of buttered rice or fried rice.
- Toss on top of a grilled steak or roasted chicken.
- Toss into a fruit salad that has been spritzed with lime juice.
- As previously stated, enjoy it with ice cream!
- Create dipping sauce or decorate noodles.
How Spicy is Lao Gan Ma? 
I’d say it’s about as hot as “Louisiana” style hot sauce, which is to say that it’s completely mild but has a distinct flavour that makes it worth trying.
If you want
to purchase one for yourself it’s Available Here