Chrysanthemum Tea 250ml
Chrysanthemum tea is said to have a lot of health benefits. It may help reduce inflammation, serve as a good source of vitamins A and C, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
In China, chrysanthemum tea is commonly
accepted as a great health drink for its cooling and calming effect.
Product information
💚 Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly, Gluten-free, Lactose-free.
Water, aqueous extract of chrysanthemum [12%], cane sugar.
Store in a cool, dry place and out of direct sunlight.
Energy | 28 kcal |
0 g |
0 g |
7 g
7 g
0 g
<0.01g |
Product of
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Customer reviews
Dolorese A., 17 Feb, 2025
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